Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tulisan Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.      What is your opinion of business?
Trade business conducted by a person or a group of people who sell goods with the intention of getting the maximum profit.

2. If you want to do business, and you choose what reason?
I'll choose real estate because real estate business today is still regarded as the most promising means for its price has increased continuously since the land is more narrow and needs a lot of people on very major properties. amount of demand and supply are not balanced it makes the movement property prices always rise from time to time and also provide an opportunity for property owners to get the benefits of rental property

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. george is cooking dinner tonight
 answer :
 S              = George
 V             = is cooking
 C/O         = dinner
 M of time = tonight

 2. henry and marcia have visited the president
 answer :
 S               = Henry and Marcia
 V               = have visited
 C/O           = the president

 3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today
 answer :
 S                = We
 V                = can eat lunch
 C/O            =  -
 M of place  = in this restaurant
 M of time    = today

 4. pat should have bought gasoline yesterday
 answer :
 S                  = Pat
 V                  = should have bought
 C/O              = gasoline
 M of time      = yesterday

 5. trees grow
 answer :
 V                   = grow
 C/O               = trees

 6. it was raining at seven o'clock this morning
 answer :
 S                   = It
 V                   = was raning
 M of time       = at seven o'clock
 M of time       = this morning

 7. she opnened a checking account at the bank last week
 answer :
 S                     = She
 V                     = Opened a checking account
 C/O                 = at the bank
 M of time         = last week

 8. Harry is washing dishes right now
 S                       = Harry
 V                       = is washing
 C/O                   = dishes
 M of time           = right now

 9. She opened her book
 answer :
 S                        = She
 V                        = opened
 C/O                    = her book

 10. paul, williams, and mary were watching, television a few minutes ago
 answer :
 S                         = Paul, Williams, and Mary
 V                         = were watching
 C/O                     = television
 M of time             = a few minutes ago